Charles Graves Painting Company
-Class A Contractors License #2705167892 (PTC, RBC and HIC)
-Licensed Master Builder
-Licensed Real Estate Agent, with United Real Estate
-Insured up to $2,000,000
-Full Workers Compensation Coverage w/ Builders Mutual
Booking Information
To schedule an appointment, please call, text or email us. We look forward to hearing from you! :) You can reach:
Main phone- 703-953-4631
Secretary Ana- 571-489-3153
We will get back with you as soon as possible, typically within a few minutes to a couple hours. Calling/texting is fastest method of reaching us. Even if it is late, feel free to text us and we will get back in touch with you the next morning. Our office hours are from 8am-7pm. Thank you!
Also, feel free to check out our services/gallery page, below, for our full list of services: