Charles Graves Painting Company
-Class A Contractors License #2705167892 (PTC, RBC and HIC)
-Licensed Master Builder
-Licensed Real Estate Agent, with United Real Estate
-Insured up to $2,000,000
-Full Workers Compensation Coverage w/ Builders Mutual
Deck & Siding Staining (and Deck Replacement)​
Using the industry's best, most thorough process, we at Charles Graves Painting Company remove the existing stain, revive and restore old decks using a combination of effective products, and then restain them with the highest quality, long-lasting oil stain in North America, that we ship in from out of state. Oil-based stain has a ton of advantages over water-based stain, including: longer lasting, more beautiful appearance, it nourishes and revitalizes the wood (which tends to lose it's natural oils as it ages), and better rain protection and mold/mildew protection. We are the top deck staining contractor in all of Northern Virginia!
Click here to call us today- 703-953-4631!
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