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Charles Graves Painting Company
-Class A Contractors License #2705167892 (PTC, RBC and HIC)
-Licensed Master Builder
-Licensed Real Estate Agent, with United Real Estate
-Insured up to $2,000,000
-Full Workers Compensation Coverage w/ Builders Mutual
Interior Painting
We offer the absolute highest standard of quality at industry-affordable prices!
Scroll down to see our work! All projects have their own designated crew leader, along with separate project manager who does periodic and final walkthroughs with our talented crews to ensure quality and deliver the highest standards.
Below are the steps we will take on your project: Any furniture/items/outlet covers will be moved and and all furniture/items, cabinets, counters, rails, etc will be covered with plastic. All floors will be covered with heavy-duty drop cloths to keep them protected. Drywall will be repaired to a level 4 finish (we patch all dents, cracks, divets, nail pops, corner piece cracks, tape seam issues, etc), then sand surface complete with both pole and block sander and sanding sponge, then spot prime joint compound and any water stains, getting drywall back to "like new" (level 4) condition with no visible imperfections- and then paint 2 full coats. At the end we do touch ups, remove drop cloths and plastic, put back furniture and outlet covers and clean up any dust. Our customers agree... Quality is worth it!
Click here to call us today- 703-953-4631!
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